
OpenText is a global, publically-traded Canadian software company with more than 8200 employees in over 140 offices around the world. OpenText is the global leader in Enterprise Information Management. OpenText's software solutions help large enterprises manage and secure their unstructured digital data – the kind that doesn’t easily fit into the rows and columns of a database – and use it to benefit their business and gain competitive advantage. Today, OpenText offers 5 solution suites to target key sources of unstructured digital data found within the enterprise. OpenText's solutions are deployed both on premises and in the cloud. OpenText is a profitable business with seasoned leadership and a proven formula for success. In addition, they have momentum in a large and rapidly growing market. The EIM market is projected to grow at 10% from $13B today to $19B by 2016. Many enterprises have fully extracted value from their structured information (ERP systems) and are now transferring their budgets to EIM. OpenText began in the late ‘80s as a University of Waterloo research project to digitize all 60 million words of the Oxford Dictionary – and make them searchable (thus, the meaning behind “OpenText”). During that process something happened that would change the world: the Internet’s first search engine technology was created. OpenText incorporated in 1991 and the new search engine technology it invented was soon adopted by Yahoo!, one of its first customers. This was the first of many innovations that would lead the company beyond search and ultimately, into the world of EIM.
HQ Location:
275 Frank Tompa Drive Waterloo ON CAN
Founded year:
Next-gen Cybersecurity
Next-gen Cybersecurity
Next-gen Email Security
Next-gen Email Security
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