Silk Security


Silk Security, founded in 2022, developed a platform that aimed to bridge the gap between security and development teams by providing an integrated 'find and fix' solution for cyber risk prioritization and remediation. The company's platform consolidated alerts from multiple detection systems, performed automatic triaging based on threats to the customer's environment and assets, and generated a remediation priority scheme with specific advice for development teams.

The Silk platform operated by integrating with various security tools and collaboration applications. It utilized an agentless approach to connect to the customer's environment, including CI/CD pipelines, cloud environments, detection tools, ITSM tools, user management, and workflow tools. Through AI/ML technologies, the platform normalized and consolidated detection findings, enriched them with context, identified remediation owners, and provided clear recommendations for remediation requests.

Silk Security's approach allowed for bidirectional integration, enabling security teams to monitor and gain visibility into the remediation status, escalate priorities if needed, and compare team performance. The platform offered ready-made integrations with various detection tools and an API for customers to integrate their preferred applications rapidly.

In August 2023, Silk Security raised USD 12.5 million in a seed funding round led by Insight Partners and Hetz Ventures, with participation from the CrowdStrike Falcon Fund and angel investors.


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HQ location:
New York, NY
Founded year:
IPO status:
Total funding:
USD 12.5 mn
Last Funding:
USD 12.5 mn (Seed; Aug 2023)
Last valuation:
Funding data are powered by Crunchbase
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