
ConnectWise is a software company that transforms how technology solution providers build, manage, and grow their businesses. The company powering Technology Solution Providers to achieve their vision of success in their As-a-Service business with intelligent software, expert services, an immersive IT community, and a vast ecosystem of integrations. The software solutions deliver the results companies want at each step of their business journey. Today more than 5,000 technology organizations, including IT solution providers, MSPs, system integrators, software developers, and VARs, rely on ConnectWise to achieve greater accountability, operational efficiency, and profitability in their businesses. The ConnectWise Business Management Solution integrates business-process automation, help desk and customer service, sales, marketing, project management, and business analytics that dramatically streamline a company's operations. ConnectWise was established in 1982 and is headquartered in Tampa, Florida, United States.
HQ location:
Tampa, FL
Founded year:
IPO status:
Total funding:
USD 585.0 k
Last Funding:
USD 585.0 k (Seed; Jul 2019)
Last valuation:


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