IKEA GreenTech AB

IKEA GreenTech AB is a corporate venture capital company making equity investments in green technology companies. Our mission is to invest primarily in technologybased companies, that improve the sustainability of the IKEA business activities. The company is owned by the IKEA Group. This ownership structure gives potential access to the global and a well-renowned retail concept IKEA. IKEA GreenTech has 500 million SEK (approx. 60 million euro) to invest. The fund is evergreen. Any return on investments will be returned to the general pool with the aim of keeping a continuous supply of available investment capital. IKEA GreenTech is offering equity investments in companies with a stand alone potential.
HQ location:
Älmhultsgatan 2-4, Floor 4, copy 1 Malmö SWE
Founded year:
Funding data are powered by Crunchbase
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