Sustainable Finance

Embedding environmental, social, and corporate governance factors into investments


Sustainable finance broadly refers to the consideration of ESG factors when making financial and investment decisions, with the ultimate goal of creating more long-term investments in sustainable economic activities and projects. This concept represents a paradigm shift when compared to the traditional financial system, which has often been perceived to be solely profit-oriented at the expense of the environment and social welfare. 

Startups within this space are enabling sustainability-focused financial services such as 1) digital banking—where client deposits are deployed into sustainable uses, 2) facilitation and automation of investment into ESG-related companies and ETFs, 3) tools for investors to analyze sustainability factors and the real-world impact of their portfolios, and 4) white-label solutions for financial institutions to offer their own sustainability-related products.

* Note: Additional sections (such as market sizing, detailed overview, and incumbents) can be provided on request.

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What is Sustainable Finance?

Sustainable finance broadly refers to considering ESG factors when making financial and investment decisions, with the ultimate goal of creating more long-term investments in sustainable economic activities and projects. Sustainable finance also promotes transparency when assessing ESG risk factors and the impact of these risks on the financial system.

Key considerations in sustainable finance

Key considerations in sustainable finance
The list of factors is not exhaustive
Source: Created by SPEEDA Edge based on various sources
Traditionally, the financial world was thought of as being solely profit-oriented at the expense of the environment and social welfare. Sustainable finance has worked toward shifting this paradigm by urging the financial ecosystem to take on a holistic approach when carrying out financial activities; meaning, including a view that’s more than just about maximizing returns, and shifting the focus from shareholders to stakeholders, pushing to adopt strategies that evaluate the long-term impacts of financial decisions, as opposed to short-term ones that look to make quick profits. 
Sustainable finance, as a concept, can be categorized into several forms, which include, but are not limited to, sustainable funds, green bonds, impact investing, microfinance, and credits for sustainable projects and development. All of these categories, however, broadly fall within some form of equity investments or debt instruments.

Sustainable finance in a nutshell

Sustainable finance in a nutshell
Source: Created by SPEEDA Edge based on various sources

Key segments across sustainable finance

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